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Car accident lawyer: help with personal injury from a car accident

A car accident can lead to serious consequences. Being involved in a traffic accident can lead to serious consequences. These can range from physical injuries to psychological problems and financial losses. If there is a party who can be held liable for the damages, you are entitled to compensation. A lawyer can help recover these damages from the insurer of the responsible party.

An accident can lead to different types of injuries and it is important to get legal support. A traffic accident can have a significant impact on the lives of victims, and legal assistance is crucial to navigate the claims process. At Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam, we will help you get fair compensation….

What to do after a car accident?

we understand the impact and will help, so you can focus on your case

After a car accident, it is critical to first ensure your safety and the safety of others. In the event of a rear-end collision, it is important to take the necessary steps immediately to protect your rights. Make sure everyone is out of danger and call the police if necessary. Next, it is important to take the necessary steps to protect your rights and claim any damages.

Collect as much evidence as possible, such as photos of the accident scene and contact information for witnesses. This can be invaluable later when filing a personal injury claim. Remember to also seek medical attention, even if you think your injuries are minor. Some injuries may not show up until later. Our team is ready to help you secure the compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery.

Liability and compensation

It's good to know personal injury lawyers are here to help with your case and personal assistance

In a car accident, the other party’s liability plays a crucial role in claiming damages. Volgens Dutch law worden de kosten voor juridische hulp vaak vergoed door de aansprakelijke partij, waardoor slachtoffers geen kosten hoeven te maken voor juridische bijstand. Holding the other party liable is a crucial step in getting compensation for damages. If the other party is liable, you can claim compensation for both property damage, such as car damage, and intangible damage, such as personal injury. Determining liability can be complex, especially when multiple parties are involved. An experienced can help you gather evidence and build a strong case. This greatly increases your chances of receiving fair compensation. In sommige gevallen worden de kosten voor juridische hulp gedeeltelijk vergoed, bijvoorbeeld wanneer aansprakelijkheid gedeeltelijk wordt erkend.

Fees and charges

In a car accident, different types of costs and compensation may be involved, and the charge for legal assistance is often covered by the liable party. Property damage, such as damage to your vehicle, may be compensated by the liable party. There is also personal injury, which can include medical expenses, travel expenses, loss of income and recovery costs.

It is important to properly document all of these costs so that they can be recovered from the liable party. In addition to these costs, damages may also be awarded. This is compensation for the pain, suffering and decrease in enjoyment of life that you experienced due to the accident. A personal injury lawyer can help you get fair compensation for both property damage and personal injury. In the Netherlands, victims are entitled to legal assistance without upfront costs, ensuring they can claim compensation effectively.

Types of accidents and damages

If an accident happens in the netherlands we can help you with  your damages

There are several types of accidents that can result in personal injury. In most cases, the liable party is required to compensate for the damages caused by the accident. A two-way accident is a situation where at least two road users are involved in the incident. A common type of two-way accident is the rear-end, which occurs in at least 40 percent of traffic accidents. In a rear-end collision, it is often clear who the liable party is, which can simplify the compensation process.

There is also the single-vehicle accident, which involves only one vehicle. You may also be entitled to compensation in a single-vehicle accident. This compensation can be recovered from passenger insurance (SVI) or the Motor Traffic Guarantee Fund. It is important to note that even in a single-vehicle accident, in which no other party is involved, you may still be entitled to compensation for your personal injury incurred. Additionally, your damages, including legal costs, can be covered as part of the compensation.

Personal injury amounts and damages

we can helpt you if you had an injury in the Netherlands the costs can be for the other party

Personal injury compensation amounts can vary widely depending on the severity of the injury. For relatively minor injuries such as bruises or abrasions, compensation can be as high as $2,000. For more serious injuries, such as broken bones or permanent disability, the amounts can be considerably higher. In addition to direct medical expenses and loss of income, damages may also be awarded. Damages are intended to compensate you for the pain, suffering and decrease in enjoyment of life you experienced as a result of the accident.

Factors such as the severity of the injury, the duration of recovery, the pain suffered and the impact on your daily life play an important role in determining the amount of the damages. A personal injury lawyer can help you make a realistic estimate of what compensation to expect. They will handle your case with the utmost care, providing extensive guidance and transparency throughout the process.

Personal injury lawyer: when to hire?

We have years of experience. We are here able to help and to assist you with a case and personal matter

Hiring a personal injury lawyer after a car accident can make a world of difference. Our lawyers are available for direct communication and can provide you with more information about their approach and the costs of legal assistance under Dutch law. Personal injury lawyers help victims by providing free legal representation and recovering costs from the liable party.

If you have suffered personal injury and the other party is liable, a personal injury lawyer can help you determine liability and claim damages. A personal injury lawyer has the expertise to negotiate with the other party’s insurer and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. It is advisable to contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident to protect your rights and ensure the process goes smoothly. Personal injury specialists can relieve you during the recovery process and ensure fair compensation. We’re here to help.

What is a personal injury lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer is a specialised legal professional who helps victims of road accidents obtain fair compensation. These lawyers have in-depth knowledge of Dutch law and are experts in handling personal injury cases. They offer legal assistance to people who have suffered injuries as a result of a car accident, for example. Because of their expertise, they can help victims take the right steps and ensure they get the compensation they are entitled to.

Tasks and services of a personal injury lawyer

Personal injury lawyers offer a wide range of services to support road accident victims. They help gather evidence, such as photos of the accident scene and witness statements, to build a strong case. They also negotiate with the insurers of the liable party to obtain fair compensation. If a settlement is not possible, they represent their clients in court. Their goal is to ensure that victims receive fair compensation for both property damage and intangible damages, such as pain and suffering.

How to choose a good personal injury lawyer?

Choosing a good personal injury lawyer is crucial to the success of your case. When selecting a lawyer, pay attention to their experience and specialisation in personal injury cases. Also read client reviews to get an idea of their reputation and success rate. It is important to have direct contact with the lawyer to get a good feel for their approach and communication. Also understand their fee structure; many personal injury lawyers work on a no cure, no pay basis, meaning you only pay if they win your case.

International legal assistance

International legal assistance is available for victims of road traffic accidents, even if the accident occurred outside the Netherlands. Personal injury lawyers can help navigate the complex international laws and regulations that apply to your case. Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam has years of experience, however we can only if you have an accident in the Netherlands.

They ensure that you take the right steps to get compensation, regardless of where the accident took place. This is especially important for people who travel frequently or live abroad. Our lawyers are ready to help you, wherever you are, and make sure you get the legal assistance you need.

Litigation and legal assistance

Letselschade Advocaat Amsterdam can only help If the event took place in the Netherlands

If an agreement cannot be reached with the other party on compensation, litigation may be necessary. A personal injury lawyer can assist you in this process and consult with the other party. The lawyer can help gather evidence, calculate personal injury and damages, and draft legal documents. Litigation can be a lengthy and complex process, but with the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer, you increase your chances of a successful outcome. The attorney’s fees are usually reimbursed by the liable party, so you can focus fully on your recovery and obtaining fair compensation. Our team is ready to help you secure the compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery.

About the author

Michael Michel

Michael takes care of your claim so you can focus on recovery.

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Samantha van der Lee
Wat ik echt fijn vind aan deze advocaat. Is dat ze zo veel mogelijk persoonlijke zorg aanbiedt en dat ze zo goed mogelijk naar een herstel probeert mee te kijken en echt opkomt voor een zo goed mogelijke schadevergoeding. Echt top!
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Grace Feitsma (CrazyGracie)
Ik heb laatst hulp gehad van een advocaat voor mijn letselschade, en ze was echt geweldig! Altijd super aardig en ze nam de tijd om alles goed uit te leggen. Het voelde echt fijn om met haar samen te werken, en ze heeft ervoor gezorgd dat ik de schadevergoeding kreeg die ik nodig had. Echt een aanrader als je juridische hulp nodig hebt!
Bianca Brugman
Liane heeft mij goed bijgestaan na een vervelende zaak met een conexxion bus, zij heeft mij duidelijk bij het eerste contact gezegd dat het erg moeilijk zou worden vanwege ontbreken getuiges, die waren er wel maar door de schrik niet genoteerd, ze is zeer empathisch en erg vriendelijk, je voelt je in ieder geval gehoord.
Eki Carkic
Liane heeft me ongeveer 1.5 jaar bijgestaan, en ze heeft me zo goed geholpen met alles.
Altijd er voor me geweest, een en al top!!
Mocht je woonachtig zijn in Nederland, sws een dikke aanrader!
Thanks Liane Foe!!
Martien van Elferen
Eerlijk, doorstatend , vastberaden, volhoudend en barmhartig. Dat is Liane.
Marcel Boonstra
Sinds mei 2012 behartigde mw de Foe mijn letselschade na mijn ongeluk waarbij de tegenpartij is doorgereden. Nu juli 2020 wordt mijn zaak afgerond met het waarborgfonds. Al die jaren ben ik zeer content geweest met de aanpak van mw de Foe. Ik zou hierbij mw de Foe aan willen bevelen voor al uw letselschade. Ik heb een uiterst prettige ervaring de afgelopen jaren met mw de Foe gehad.

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