Bitten by dog: What to do if bitten?

Bitten by a dog? Stay calm and act quickly
A dog bite can be a traumatic experience, but by acting quickly and appropriately, you can avoid serious consequences. A bite wound can occur when a bite to the skin is given by an animal. Whether you suffer from a superficial dog bite or a deep wound with complications, it is important to take the right steps. Find out here what you need to do and what legal options are available to get compensation for damages. Victims are entitled to compensation for personal injury in many cases.
What to do if you are bitten by a dog?
Clean the wound: Rinse the bite wound immediately with lukewarm water for at least 2 minutes. Use a clean cloth to remove any debris. This reduces the risk of infection.
Press a sterile dressing on the wound: If the wound continues to bleed, press a sterile dressing or clean cloth firmly on the wound. Hold up the affected body part.
Call immediate medical attention: In case of a deep wound, heavy bleeding or if the wound feels red and warm, it is important to contact your doctor or an emergency room immediately.
If damage to a tendon, joint, nerve or bone is suspected, the family physician will refer patients to the hospital for further treatment.
How soon tetanus shot after dog bite?
If you have not been recently vaccinated against tetanus, you should get a tetanus shot within 24 hours of the dog bite. Tetanus can cause serious illness, especially with deep holes in the skin.
Have you been bitten? Here’s what to do in case of a bite wound
A bite wound, even a small one, can quickly become inflamed. There is a risk of tetanus bacteria entering the wound from an animal bite. Dog bites contain bacteria that can cause infections. Always rinse the wound clean and only tape the wound if you have a sterile dressing. Check regularly for signs of inflammation, such as redness, swelling and pain.
Is a dog bite emergency?
In many cases, a dog bite is urgent, especially if:
The wound is deep and bleeding heavily.
You are not sure if you have been vaccinated against tetanus.
There are signs of infection, such as fever, muscle pain or swelling.
Do not take a risk and consult a physician.
What can be the serious consequences of a dog bite?
The effects of a dog bite can range from mild irritation to serious complications such as:
Infections: Due to bacteria in the dog’s saliva.
Rabies: Although rare in the Netherlands, it is important to rule this out in an unfamiliar dog.
Deep tissue damage: Damage to bone, tendons or muscles.
Scarring: Especially in wounds that are not properly treated.
Traumatic experience: A dog bite can also have a big impact mentally.
Legal aspects: is the dog owner liable?
A dog bite is all about liability. According to the Civil Code, the owner of the animal is liable for the damage caused by the animal. This applies even if you are bitten by your own dog or if the bite is caused by another animal, such as a cat.
Frequently asked questions about liability:
Is the owner always liable?
Yes, unless there is own fault such as provoking the bite.
What if the dog exhibited toxic animal behavior?
The owner remains responsible.
Can you claim personal injury?
Yes, you can seek legal help to claim compensation.
It is also advisable to collect contact information from witnesses, as their statements may be crucial to final compensation and legal action. Witnesses can objectively explain what happened during a dog bite.
What damages can you be compensated for?
If you have suffered personal injury from a dog bite, you can claim different types of damages:
Medical expenses: such as hospital visits, medication or a tetanus shot.
Lost income: For long-term injuries.
Damages: For mental impact and pain.
With free legal help, you can have your case reviewed and seek maximum compensation.
How do you recognize an infected wound when the wound becomes inflamed?
If your wound becomes inflamed, you may experience the following symptoms:
Redness and warmth around the wound.
Swelling and pus formation.
Pain getting worse.
Fever or general malaise.
Antibiotics may be needed to fight the infection. Consult a doctor if you suspect the wound will become inflamed.
Why hire a personal injury lawyer?
A personal injury lawyer will help you take the legal steps after a dog bite. We ensure that the dog’s owner is held liable and that you receive fair compensation. Whether it’s medical expenses, lost income or emotional damage. We are ready to assist you.
Common situations in dog bites
Bitten by your own dog: Even then you can claim personal injury damages, provided the damage occurred through no fault of your own.
Dog owner liable when bitten: The law is on your side if you are a victim of a bite.
Bitten during a car accident: This can lead to complex legal situations. Get advice from a personal injury lawyer.
First aid for a dog bite
Rinse the wound clean with lukewarm water.
Use a sterile dressing to cover the wound.
Call a doctor immediately or go to the hospital if the wound is serious.
Make sure you have been vaccinated against tetanus.
Wash the wound with soap and water
If you have been bitten by a dog, it is crucial to wash the wound immediately with soap and water. This helps to reduce the chance of infection. Use warm water and mild soap to thoroughly clean the wound. Be sure to remove all bacteria and dirt by rinsing the wound thoroughly. If the wound is deep or you lose a lot of blood, seek medical attention immediately. Cleaning the wound is an essential first step to avoid serious consequences.
Use a sterile dressing
After you clean the wound, it is important to cover it with a sterile dressing. This helps prevent further infection and keeps the wound clean. Be sure to change the dressing regularly to prevent the wound from becoming inflamed. Use a dressing large enough to completely cover the wound. If in doubt about using a sterile dressing, consult a doctor. A properly applied dressing can make the difference between rapid healing and long-term infection.
What makes a dog bite dangerous?
A dog bite sometimes seems harmless, but it can have serious consequences. Dog bites often contain bacteria that cause infections. In rare cases, a bite from a poisonous animal can lead to even more serious complications.
How can you prevent a bite?
Learn to understand dogs’ body language.
Keep your distance from unknown dogs.
Be careful with dogs in stressful situations.
Avoid contact with unfamiliar dogs
Prevention is better than cure. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent future dog bites. Avoid contact with unknown dogs and do not let your children play near unknown dogs. If you encounter an unfamiliar dog, stay calm and try not to touch the dog. If the dog exhibits aggressive behavior, seek medical attention immediately. By being careful and keeping your distance from unknown dogs, you can significantly reduce the risk of a dog bite.
Pay attention to the dog’s body language
Understanding a dog’s body language can help prevent a bite. Watch for signals such as a tail between the legs, raised lips or ears held flat against the head. These signals may indicate that the dog is uncomfortable. If the dog exhibits aggressive behavior, seek medical attention immediately. Teach your children how to interact safely with dogs and let them know not to pet strange dogs. When in doubt about a dog’s body language, it is always better to be cautious and keep your distance.
A dog bite is more than a small wound. It can have serious consequences, both physical and mental. By quickly seeking medical attention and taking legal action, you can limit the damage. Get assistance from a personal injury lawyer to protect your rights and receive maximum compensation. Contact us today for free legal help.